It just wouldn’t be the start of April without us playing a little joke on you. In addition to the near-hour long “episode” of Mat attempting to park a car, we posted some insane tweets on our Twitter feed to compliment the ridiculous show notes below.

Oh well… at least the shoulder-angels were legit. We apologize for playing this trick on you, but at least it was better than Dan singing for half an hour, our 2015 April Fools gag!

Don’t worry! The real version of Episode 101: “Parking” will be up on April 5th!

On today’s show, Mat sets fire to a ’96 Honda Accord, Dan parks on top of a sacred ancient Indian burial ground, Andrew becomes a meter maid and learns how to maid meters, and Mélissa explodes.

Next week’s word is “malfunction”! Get your questions to us by leaving a comment below, calling in to the voicemail line at 1-844-OWG-SHOW (1-844-694-7469), or post in our Facebook group!

Submit your word! – Onewordgoshow.com
Merchandise – Onewordgo.storenvy.com
Voicemail Line – 1-844-OWG-SHOW // (1-844-694-7469)
Twitter – Twitter.com/onewordgo
Facebook – Facebook.com/groups/onewordgo
