by onewordgo | May 24, 2018 | 2018 Episodes, Episodes, Podcast |
Today’s word is “Baking” sent to us by Mat’s Mom! On this week’s podcast, Mat learns about weed, Dan angers Mrs. Cookies, Mélissa works in a hard hat, and Andrew has no idea what baking is....
by Mat | Jul 27, 2017 | 2017 Episodes, Episodes, Podcast |
Today’s word is “Suspicious” sent to us by schoolsoutlaw! On today’s show, Mat talks about his insecurities again, Andrew has no worries about being dumped, Dan switches into Creep Mode™ while online dating, and Mélissa is only ever...
by onewordgo | Dec 15, 2013 | 2013 Christmas, Christmas, Podcast, Specials |
For the twelve days leading up to Christmas, Mat and Dan are celebrating the 12 Words of Christmas! Today’s word is “gingerbread”, where Mat and Dan fill out a Mad Libs story about a gingerbread boy....